Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Automate Sitecore dev env setup with Sitecore.HabitatHome.Utilities

Having worked with Sitecore for more than 10 years, I always embraced automation in QA/Production deployments as well as development environments. Most of the projects had a nice little README that started with:

  1. Make sure you have Sitecore X.Y Update Z installed
  2. Install module X version Z and module Y on top of it
  3. Run ".\deployDevevelopmentEnvironment.ps1"

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sitecore Content Hub + Glass Mapper = friends?

I've been recently exploring Sitecore DAM (Content Hub) module and installed it on existing website that used Glass Mapper. I followed the installation guide, configured all required properties, updated image field value to use the logo from the Content Hub and... nothing changed at front-end, the hero image was still being served from the media library.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Sitecore.com Continuous Deployment on Azure (2019 Edition)

It's been a while since my previous post about continuous deployment with Sitecore, lots of things have changed since then, www.sitecore.com is now hosted on Azure PAAS, the team is using Azure DevOps instead of TeamCity and much more. Over the past few years we completely revamped our deployment infrastructure and processes, and in this blog post I'll share how our current setup looks like after all of those iterations. Hint: it is now extremely simply and basically configurable in point-and-click manner.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Five things you should know before going live with Azure Search for Sitecore

If you're reading this post, you've probably configured (or about to) shiny new Sitecore 9.x production environment running in the cloud, with Azure Search as a search provider. Not having to worry about Solr Virtual Machine maintenance, Java licensing, etc. is appealing. But it is important to know that Azure Search comes with it's own nuances you might learn the hard way.